We have written about what flooring option works best for young children and for the four-legged members of our families, but what about when we are considering renovations for our grandparents or aging parents? Rather than pack it up and move out, “aging in place” has become more popular than ever.
As a result, it is commonplace for people to update their homes so that their changing needs are accommodated. While comfort, style, and affordability are still important considerations for projects like flooring, the topic of safety is suddenly a high priority.
So, what is the definitive list of factors elderly adults should consider when looking at new flooring options?
Ok, so this is not exactly unique to elderly adults, however, when factoring in realities like pensions and fixed income, the topic of affordability is an important one to note. Discussing—and sticking with! —a budget is important when researching flooring options. Luckily, at Refloor, we offer plenty of options that suit both budgets and styles.
Low Maintenance
Floors that are easy to clean, waterproof, and are wear and tear resistant, such as durable laminate or luxury vinyl, would generally work best for elderly adults. Are canes or walkers needed to get around the house? Then you will want flooring that can withstand the tapping, dragging, and pressure.
Tiles offer zero insulation and feel hard and cold against bare skin. Carpet can be plush but quickly becomes unsanitary. Our Lifetime vinyl flooring, on the other hand, has sonic cell padding that keeps it warmer and helps to cushion footsteps. Bonus points: it is also waterproof and scratch resistant!
Slip Resistant
Going together with the previous point, you will want a floor that offers a softer landing if an accident occurs. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), one in four adults over the age of 65 falls in their own house. A smart flooring solution can help curb additional injuries—an important factor to consider when renovating elderly family members’ floors.
As we continue to face a pandemic and keep our distance from loved ones, now is the time to ensure our elderly family members are taken care of and protected. Picking a flooring option that suits their budget, lifestyle, and aging needs can both revitalize their personal space and put your mind at ease.
If you are ready to discuss your parents’ and grandparents’ flooring options with professionals, trust Refloor to help guide you through the process. Contact us today.